هل تؤيد انتفاضة جانفي 2011 في الجزائر؟

الأحد، جوان 17، 2007

REAL MADRID CHAMPION ...et de 30 !!!


هناك تعليقان (2):

غير معرف يقول...

Oh!! I just noticed what your nickname was about last night
I’m processing things slowly these days. As I told you earlier it’s the age factor ;-)
Congrats for your favourite team and for you

Enjoy the victory

الملا ابن قنب الهندي يقول...

welcome home Dear anonymous (^*)

as you can guess am very happy to read you again
dont supprime this comment like the last one
i see that u have the same age as me. i think we need to stay close together
العجزة يرفدو بعضهم :)