On peu reconnaître dans cette scène parfaitement aussi ridicule que dans la réalité, les héros suivants:
- lobotoman = alias oncle sam
- le jeune agresseur = Israël
- la dame agressé = les arabes
- et surtout lobotodog (que j'aime bien et dont je vous laisse le plaisir de démasquer):
- est ce le père Noël?
- big laden?
- Sa majesté le roi ou président arabe?
هناك تعليق واحد:
Hey neighbor
This place became boring.. what’s going on there?
The other Eid is here.. you need to post another gift.
And another one for Christmas but be careful from the dust in the chimney
Guess what.. only few days ago I knew the meaning of “qanab hindi”, while listening to the Arabic radio here and they were talking about how is it a lot in Afghanistan.. I laughed so much like a crazy
But you know what.. some of your posts sounds like you had some before writing it ;)..
One last thing.. did I tell u I missed talking to you
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